Sep 29, 2008


Hello people. Finally found the correct people to cooperate with. Reviewing the final price to see how low I can go so you can get the best deal of design + printing + delivery + some customization of your choice. Yes, that's a 4-in-1 minus any extra add on for design fee or type setting fee.

Designs that are previously posted are removed and in the process of being revamped so you can have an option of one or two-paged cards for each design. We're currently looking into the market in Penang as well. Will update regarding delivery around the Nothern region.

For the mean time, here are some work I did for a couple of people these few days.

JESSICA TAN - Freelance photographer
(modified Alcohaul theme with color of her choice)

KEN KIRBY - U.S. Modder / Shop owner
(My first full customized card, bookmark-styled)

RACHAEL ONG - The Closette blogshop owner
(Fully customized bookmark-styled as well)

Finally, my own...

Expect clean, simple, slick, and classier cards once revamped.

Come back for updates, it should be up and running very soon!